Monday, February 4, 2008

Thoughts Summary

Well, its been great! I have learned alot about the technology shortcuts available to libraries and anyone else who may be interested in building a website without having any html knowledge. There are many advantages to these new tools. These tools will certainly help libraries reach groups who might not dawn the library doors yet they still library services. Many of these tools could assist libraries in time saving but placing various kinds of trainings on podcasts. Furthermore, much of the new technology is just plain fun! It has been a great learning experience.

Saturday, February 2, 2008

The Library 2.0 Experience and Beyond

Going through the things in Library 2.0 has been very educational. The new technology is impressive. It's pretty clear that libraries could incorporate many of the technologies presented within its service framework. There should be a focus of preserving the fundamentals of reference work and information services. I greatly enjoyed YouTube and the Online Generator. The affect this program has had on my learning goals are the various new tools to organize information of interest.

I checked out a number of other blogs and they are wonderful. Folks put a lot of thought and effort in their comments and the visuals which they included.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Rolling w/ Rollyo

I guess this is a useful site. It seems to be much like some of the other sites that we have explored. It really puts me in the mind of the site that we used a few "things" ago. At any rate, this is my rollyo.....

LibraryThing and book cataloging

This is a very interesting site. I love the way the you could put in a title or author and the site searches for the book. It's very helpful in providing publication information for folks who have their own personal library. Here's the link to my LibraryThing Catalog:

Thursday, January 10, 2008

Online Image Generator

This is the ice cream sundae that I built using The Generator Blog:

This is the link to the cybercones generator:

Podcast and Video on Blog Summary

The Denver Public Library Podcast site is much more user friendly than the Arizona State University (The Library Channel)! The thing I like about DPL is that their Podcast Help section is readily available for a customer to access. Also, it isn't a crowded site as compared to the academic library. Furthermore, DPL's date and time for each post is clearly seen; not to mention, they have some great little podcast subjects!

Podcasts and useful tools

The blog directory that I like the best is It seemed to be more user friendly. It is just amazing the type of things that one may find as a podcast. I think libraries could use podcasting and vodcasting for training customers on the many resources available in the library. It would certainly save on space and staff time. Also, the library customers have a method of learning about the library that is more self-directed and self-paced!